Thursday, February 19, 2015


Trying to re-create my look on my last video which is Ombre Blue Eyeliner.
Tutorial ini super simple, and you just need 3 or 4 colors of eyeliners.

I hope this look inspired you to create more colorful look with your eyeliners. Warnanya bisa diganti or bahkan bisa di mix. Kuncinya hanya di blendingan warnanya kok :)

Products that I used in this video are:
LA Girl Eyeliner in Blue
MAKE OVER Cosmetic Eyeshadow Powder in Rockin' Blue
MAKE OVER Cosmetic Eyeshadow Powder in Purple Breeze
Shu Uemura Eyeliner in Navy
Marc Jacob Liquid Eyeliner in Black

Lips in MUA Luxe Tranquility

Have fun and selamat mencoba :)



  1. Wahh sumpah keren banget ka. Oh ya lipstik nya pake ap?

  2. Jadi terinspirasi buat ombre look seperti ini juga pakai eyeliner. Nice idea miss ^_^

  3. kok keliatan gampang ya kalau lizzie yang bikin, kayanya kalau aku coba itu bikin garis eyeliner ga bisa serapi itu deeeehh... tarik segaris eh ga rapi, tebelin biar rapi, blm rapi juga, tebelin lagi.. lama2 setengah kelopak mata huaaaaa :((

    1. Hihihihi.. pensil nya harus tajem biar pointy sayang. eyeshadow brush nya jg harus kecil supaya presice. smangat!

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  5. emm bukan cuman cara di lipstik yang diombre tapi eyeliner juga, wawwwwww


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